SML Group 28th Anniversary Dinner cum Cheque Presentation Ceremony for the Donation by Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen | 18 March 2011 | |  (From left) Prof. Albert S.C. Chan, Mr. Wilfred Wong, Mr. & Mrs. Suen, Mr. Li Guikang, and Ir Dr. K.K. Wong officiated at the cheque presentation ceremony | Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) recently received a generous pledge of HK$30 million from Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen to establish a Development Fund for the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute. The Fund will support the proposed Sino-Humanitas Institute's operation, research and exchange activities. In recognition of Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen's generosity, a cheque presentation ceremony for the donation by Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen was held during the SML Group 28th Anniversary Dinner at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 18 March 2011 (Friday). Officiated at the ceremony were Mr. Li Guikang, Deputy Director of the Central Government's Liaison Office, Member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Mr. Simon Suen, Chairman of SML Group; Mrs. Mary Suen; Mr. Wilfred Y.W. Wong, SBS, JP, Chairman of Board of Governors of the HKBU Foundation and Chairman of the University Council and the Court; Ir Dr. K.K. Wong, SBS, JP, Vice-Chairman of Board of Governors and Co-Chairman of Entrepreneur Committee of the Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation; and Professor Albert S.C. Chan, President and Vice-Chancellor. Professor Jao Tsung-I, renowned contemporary sinologist and world-acclaimed artist, also attended the event to show his support. | Speaking at the Ceremony, Mr. Suen said he was pleased to support HKBU in setting up the Development Fund. He said HKBU not only promoted Whole Person Education, it also excelled in research in the humanities and cross-cultural studies. He was confident that the Institute would boost academic collaboration in the areas of Chinese classical learning and Sinology, as well as cultural exchange between the East and the West at large. In his speech, Professor Albert S.C. Chan expressed his deep appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Suen for their generous support. He said that the new Sino-Humanitas Institute aimed to promote and foster the exchange of research and communication in Chinese classical learning and Sinology among institutions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Mainland and overseas. |   | Professor Chan added that HKBU is always committed to encouraging internationalisation and East-West cultural exchange. In addition, the Faculty of Arts of the University has research centres for the study of Chinese Cultural Heritage, Translation, Applied Ethics as well as Sino-Christian Studies, and all of the scholars at the University are equipped with academic expertise and background in both Chinese classical learning and Sinology. Hence, he was confident that the University is uniquely positioned to establish the Sino-Humanitas Institute, and the Institute will help promote and raise awareness of Chinese culture and traditional values. | As a token appreciation of Mr. and Mrs. Suen's generosity, the Sino-Humanitas Institute will be named after Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen. Also, they will be invited to be Honorary Directors of the Institute. Professor Chan presented a couplet as a souvenir to Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen in appreciation of their immense contributions and dedication to the dissemination of traditional culture over the years. |  | The SML Group 28th Anniversary Dinner had been a great success, which was well attended by more than 400 distinguished guests and community leaders. They included: Dr. Chan Yau Hing, Robin, GBS, LLD, JP, Chairman of Asia Financial Holdings Ltd., Vice-Chairman of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Honorary President of the Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation; Ms Leung Ko May Yee, Margaret, JP, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive of Hang Seng Bank Limited; Mr. Au Lam-ko, the Secretariat General of Chang An District Government; Mr. Wong Ting Chung, Chairman and CEO of Nameson Group, Honorary Director of the HKBU Foundation, etc. Representatives of the University attending the events were Professor Frank Fu, MH, JP, Associate Vice-President and Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation, and Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement. |  | |  | Prof. Albert S.C. Chan and Mr. Wilfred Wong presented a momento to Mr. and Mrs. Suen (centre) | | (From left) Mr. and Mrs. Suen, together with Dr. Chan Yau Hing, Robin, Ms. Leung Ko May Yee, Margaret, Mr. Li Guikang, Prof. Jao Tsung-I, Mr. Wong Ting Chung, Mr. Wilfred Wong, Ir Dr. K.K. Wong and Mr. Ronny Ho officiated at the lighting ceremony of the 28th Anniversary |  |  | |