The University recently received a donation of HK$300,000 from the Inner Mongolia Xinganmeng Education & Economic Development Association to support the development of the University. The Association has also established a partnership with the University to provide scholarships for students from Inner Mongolia to receive whole person education at HKBU, so that they can broaden their horizons and contribute what they have learnt to the development of Inner Mongolia after graduation. In recognition of the Association's generosity, a cheque presentation ceremony cum agreement signing ceremony officiated by Mr. Xu Dong, Secretary-General of the Inner Mongolia Xinganmeng Education & Economic Development Association, and Professor Albert S.C. Chan, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor, was held on 23 April 2013. Guests attending the ceremony included Mr. Lam Lou, Director of the Inner Mongolia Xinganmeng Education & Economic Development Association; Professor Franklin Luk, Vice-President (Academic); Ir. Dr. So Kwok Sang, Academic Registrar; and Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement. The Inner Mongolia Xinganmeng Education & Economic Development Association is led by the Xinganmeng Government. It is dedicated to improving educational conditions in underprivileged areas of Xinganmeng and financing needy students to receive education, with the aim of nurturing talent for the promotion of the social and economic development in Xinganmeng. This is the first time that an organisation from the Mainland has offered financial support to Mainland students for studying undergraduate programmes at HKBU. |