The University recently received a generous donation of HK$5 million from the Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium Limited in support of the University's campus expansion plan and the Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies. In recognition of Yue Hwa's generosity, the lecture theatre at the Communication and Visual Arts Building was named the Yue Hwa Chinese Products Lecture Theatre. A Naming Ceremony was held on 28 October 2010. Officiating guests from Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium Limited were Mr. Yu Kwok Chun, GBS, SBS, JP, Chairman & Managing Director; Mr. Yu Pang Chun, SBS, JP, Director & Deputy General Manager; Mr. Yu Choy Chun, Director & Deputy General Manager; Ms. Yu Siu Chun, Director & Manager; Mr. Lee Yun Kee, Director and Manager. Officiating guests from the University were Mr. Wilfred Wong, SBS, JP, Chairman of the HKBU Foundation and Chairman of the Council and the Court, as well as Professor Albert S.C. Chan, President and Vice-Chancellor. In his address, Professor Albert S.C. Chan expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Yue Hwa. He said that Yue Hwa as a leading retailer of Chinese products, had contributed enormously to the prosperity of Hong Kong and the donation by Yue Hwa would be beneficial to the tertiary education, as well as the development of China. The ceremony was well-attended by guests of Yue Hwa and supporters and friends of HKBU, such as Dr. Chan Sui Kau, GBM, GBS, OBE, JP, Executive Chairman of Yangtzekiang Garment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; Dr. Robin Chan Yau Hing, GBS, LLD, JP, Chairman of Asia Financial Holdings Ltd.; Ir K.K. Wong, SBS, JP, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of HKBU Foundation and Group Chairman of Kum Shing Group; Mr. Joseph Lee, SBS, JP, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the HKBU Foundation and Chairman of Wofoo Foundation; Mr. David Mong, Chairman of Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund, as well as staff and students. |