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HKBU receives donations from the Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community Organizations and Mr. and Mrs. Fung Sun Kwan in support of the HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
21 January 2013

The University recently received numerous donations amounting to HK$6 million, including HK$5.4 million from the Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community Organizations (FHKCCC), HK$500,000 from Mr. Fung Sun Kwan, Chairman of Fung Sun Kwan Chinese Arts Foundation and Honorary Permanent President of the HKBU Foundation, and Mrs. Fung, and HK$100,000 from Dr. Wong Kam Shing, Managing Director of Kowloon Watch Group, designated for the establishment of the HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (JAS) for the purpose of understanding and preserving Chinese cultural heritage through focused research supplemented by teaching.

The inauguration ceremony of JAS cum cheque presentation ceremony was held on 21 January 2013.  In his speech, Professor Albert S.C. Chan, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor, said the founding of JAS is a significant milestone in HKBU's history.  He hopes JAS will bring together sinologists from around the world to compile the 5,000 years of Chinese culture into a book, like the Bible, which will influence generations to come.  He said with Professor Jao Tsung-I as its leader, JAS would contribute to the promotion of Chinese culture.  Professor Chan also thanked FHKCCC for its staunch support in raising a significant amount of donations for the development of JAS.  He looks forward to the continued support from FHKCCC and the community in future.

At the cheque presentation ceremony, Professor Jao Tsung-I, GBM, JP, Honorary Permanent Director of JAS, Dr. Simon Suen, JP, Chairman of SML Group Limited, Founding President of the Development Committee of JAS and Honorary Permanent President of the HKBU Foundation, and Professor Albert Chan, Founding Chairman of the Development Committee, received donation cheques from the following members of FHKCCC:

  • Dr. Ma Kai Cheung, SBS (a donation of HK$1 million)
  • Mr. Zhan Yuxiang (a donation of HK$1 million)
  • Mr. Wong Shu Yui (a donation of HK$1 million)
  • Mr. Lau Chor Tak (a donation of HK$1 million)
  • Mr. Cheung On Tak (a donation of HK$1 million)
  • Mr. Zheng Han Ming (a donation of HK$200,000)
  • Mr. William Xie (a donation of HK$200,000)

To thank Professor Jao Tsung-I for his care and support for HKBU and to commemorate the founding of JAS, Professor Chan composed a Chinese poem for Professor Jao.  It was engraved on a vintage blue and white porcelain plate donated by Alumnus Wong Nga Chung.  The meaning of the poem is:

Grand Master Jao's talents are heaven blessed.
In history he follows Kong Zi's noble steps.
His art of life enriched by Buddhists, Ruists and the Tao,
He lives the classics, the Chronicles, poetry and ci.
The mysteries of Mahayana, its wisdom he imparts,
With the best of Chinese culture he fills our hearts.
Excelling in scholarship and nonpareil in art,
He enlivens paper with ink dance bold and fine.

Please click here for details of the inauguration ceremony of the HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology.  An exhibition of works by Professor Jao Tsung-I is currently held at the Au Shue Hung Memorial Library on Shaw Campus until 17 February 2013 from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm and is open to the public.


Officiating guests at the inauguration ceremony
Prof. Albert Chan presented a blue and white porcelain plate engraved with the poem of praise to Prof. Jao Tsung-I   The ceremony was well attended by guests
Mr. and Mrs. Fung Sun Kwan (first and second from right) posed for a photo with Prof. Jao Tsung-I and Prof. Albert Chan   An exhibition of works by Prof. Jao Tsung-I

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