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Dr. and Mrs. Jacinto Tong hosted dinner in honour of Professor Albert Chan
09 April 2015

Dr. Jacinto Tong, Member of the Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation and Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Gale Well Group Limited, and Mrs. Jenny Tong recently hosted a dinner in honour of Professor Albert S.C. Chan, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor. Guests and HKBU representatives attending the dinner included Mr. Fung Shun Kin, Managing Director of Fu Son Garment Factory, and Mrs. Fung; Mr. Samuel Tai, Chairman of Golden World Motors (International) Ltd.; Mr. Ronald Wong, Chief Executive Officer of Cybernetics 1 Ltd.; Mr. Lo Chu Hung, Managing Director of Estate Generation Co. Ltd.; Professor Rick Wong, Vice-President (Research and Development); Mr. Andy Lee, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary; Professor Frank Fu, MH, JP, Associate Vice-President and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation; Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement; and Dr. Melanie Lee, Director of Alumni Affairs.

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