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HKBU receives HK$250,000 from Hong Kong & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund
27 March 2013

The University has received a total donation of HK$250,000 from Hong Kong & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund Limited (HMTCF) since 2009 for the establishment of the "Hong Kong & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistance Projects".

In recognition of the Fund's generosity, a cheque presentation ceremony officiated by Ms. Angelique Yeh, Vice Chairman of HMTCF, and Professor Albert S.C. Chan, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor, was held on 27 March 2013. Guests attending the ceremony included representatives and guests of HMTCF, Professor Frank Fu, MH, JP, Associate Vice-President and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation, Professor Albert Lee, Director of Student Affairs, and Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement.
Founded in July 2004, Hong Kong & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund Limited is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to serving the community by giving support to needy citizens in Hong Kong and Macau.

Prof. Albert Chan expressed his gratitude to the Fund's support Ms. Angelique Yeh delivered a speech
Prof. Albert Chan presented a souvenir to HMTCF Guests posed for a group photo with HKBU representatives

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