HKBU 55th Anniversary Celebrations Launching Ceremony and Institute of Creativity Founding Ceremony | 28 March 2011 | |  | Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) held its 55th Anniversary Celebrations Launching Ceremony and Institute of Creativity Founding Ceremony on 28 March. It was attended by over 300 honourable guests, donors, alumni, staff, students and HKBU friends. The University received a generous donation of HK$100 million from the Hung Hin Shiu Charitable Foundation Limited to set up the "Institute of Creativity – Dr. Hung Hin Shiu Development Fund" in support of the development of the Institute, its research projects and academic exchange activities. In recognition of the Foundation's generosity, a cheque presentation was held at which Mr. Wilfred Wong, SBS, JP, Chairman of the HKBU Foundation, and Professor Albert S.C. Chan, President and Vice-Chancellor, received a donation cheque from Mrs. Hung Hin Shiu, Chairman of the Hung Hin Shiu Charitable Foundation Limited, her son Mr. Billy Hung and her daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Hung Wong. The "Institute of Creativity – Dr. Hung Hin Shiu Development Fund" will be used to support the Institute to organise lectures on creativity, launch the world-class Scholars-in-Residence Scheme and conduct interdisciplinary research projects. For more details of the Development Fund, please click here. At the ceremony, Mr. Wilfred Wong, SBS, JP and Professor Albert S.C. Chan also presented Foundation Certificates to 15 Honorary Permanent Presidents and Honorary Presidents who have contributed accumulated donations of HK$1 million or above to the University this year. Their generous support to HKBU has made possible the University's drive for excellence, innovation and advancement. | Highlights:  Cheque Presentation Ceremony:  Foundation Certificates Presentation Ceremony:  | |  | |