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Hong Kong Baptist University Founders' Day Reception
23 March 2012

The University hosted a Founders' Day Reception on 23 March 2012 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre to celebrate its 56th anniversary. Dr. York Chow, GBS, JP, Secretary for Food and Health; Mr. Wilfred Wong, SBS, JP, Council and Court Chairman; and Professor Albert S.C. Chan, President and Vice-Chancellor, officiated at the ceremony. Around 260 guests attended the reception, including Government officials, Consuls General, donors and members of the Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation as well as students and alumni.
At the reception, Mr. Wilfred Wong, SBS, JP and Professor Albert S.C. Chan presented Foundation Certificates to the Honorary Permanent Presidents and Honorary Presidents who have contributed cumulative donations of HK$1 million or above to the University this year. The Honorary Permanent Presidents in this year are Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund and Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium Ltd which made donations of HK$30 million and HK$5 million respectively. The Honorary Presidents include Dr. John Chan, Mr. and Mrs. Lam Cheung Chuen, Mrs. Chan Yau Man Ying Fidelia, Tsim Sha Tsui District Kai Fong Welfare Association, The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, ExxonMobil Hong Kong Limited and President Albert Chan. Their generous support to HKBU has made possible the University's drive for excellence, innovation and advancement.

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